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How affordable is solar? Can I afford it?.

The real question is can you afford not to do it? Without knowing a possible budget it's hard to answer that question in a "Yes or No" fashion. Any investment can be difficult but we want to show you that Hydronic Solar has the best ROI (Return on Investment) of any of the Solar Methods available today.

You should run over to our Solar Cost Savings Calculator which will simply calculate a savings on your yearly fuel bill if you were to have an appropriately designed system installed on your house. The savings are pretty spectacular with Hydronic Solar systems and you'll quickly see that your ROI will be significant. Hydronic Solar Systems typically pay for themselves in 3 to 5 years.
Hydronic Solar versus Photovoltiac Solar. the answer might surprise you
To get started on system design or get a rough estimate on a Solar System Installation please Contact Us and we will get you pointed in the right direction.

check out our information on Solar System Design. There's a lot of information there but installing a system yourself is not as impossible as it might seem. I have the largest Solar system in North America and I installed it completely by myself. The Solar System Hardware vendors we used are incredible helpful in getting you going on a DIY job.

Read on: Information about My Solar Installation at the Summit

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